Saturday, March 29, 2008

Holiday cooking with jetmovies

Duration: 04:12 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-22 17:28:02

to make cookies you will need: A box of betty crocker Gingerbread cake and cookie mix. Rasins white iceing Holiday Jimmies (optinal) follow box instructions for gingersnap and ginger cookies on box then omce it is all mixed together role dough out with flour so it won't stick to surface. then press cookie cutter into dough and remove all excess dough around cutter. then place on baking sheet. now you have the option to put your rasins on now or wait for the cookies to cool and then place them on. just if you put them on now you must watch them carfuly in the oven so they don't burst of burn. (they will puff up but once they cool they will look normal) the box tells you how long to bake and what temp. now once there all cool you can put your rasins on if you haven't already. using the iceing put some on the spot of were your placeing the rasin then place rasin on the iced spot. (iceing can also be used to fix borken gingerbread parts EX: head foot arm etc) you can also put on any other holiday decoratios you would like at this time. then you are all done and there ready to be eaten or givin as gifts. enjoy everyone and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

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