Tuesday, August 7, 2007

MUSE - plug in baby1 Live in seoul

Duration: 79 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-01 11:38:37
User: fktmxm119
:::: Favorites


周杰倫- 不能說的秘密

Duration: 335 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-02 08:45:31
User: btdrln
:::: Favorites

詞/方文山 曲/周杰倫 冷咖啡離開了杯墊 我忍住的情緒在很後面 拼命想挽回的從前 在我臉上依舊清晰可見 最美的不是下雨天 是曾與你躲過雨的屋簷 回憶的畫面 在盪著鞦韆 夢開始不甜 你說把愛漸漸 放下會走更遠 又何必去改變 已錯過的時間 妳用妳的指尖 阻止我說再見 想像妳在身邊 在完全失去之前 你說把愛漸漸 放下會走更遠 或許命運的籤 只讓我們遇見 只讓我們相戀 這一季的秋天 飄落後才發現 這幸福的碎片 要我怎麼撿

syan007 ::: Favorites
i only hope that cellphone's battery would still work when someone picked up that bottle
07-07-03 02:02:16
kiyumi15 ::: Favorites
is tis song new song or old ?
07-07-03 08:55:55
miracle03 ::: Favorites
this is his new song feature in the movie "A lie that cant be told" and his chinese name when spelled in mandarin is indeed zhou jie lun, chau or chou is cantonese**
07-07-03 09:30:16
forbiddendmb ::: Favorites
they spelled jay's name very weird and wrong lolz xD
07-07-03 21:48:11
hillsdalegirl789 ::: Favorites
in chinese its zhou because his name is zhou jie lun but we call him jay chou because well idk but it definetly sounds better
07-07-03 22:50:40
hillsdalegirl789 ::: Favorites
i want to see this movie so badly.
07-07-03 22:51:18
thetagal13 ::: Favorites
Its new. Its his new movie theme song. The movie is the same name as the song...
07-07-04 04:50:46
equalsannzy ::: Favorites
i didnt know that he knew guitar~
07-07-08 00:01:45
mw562 ::: Favorites
Wait, am I missing something here. The name of the song never appeared in the song. Good melody though, Kinda of diffferent from what he used to do. But, I don't think he is cut -out for playing the guitar. There's no rawness in him. Stick with the piano, Jay Chou
07-07-23 15:49:21
superxgirl ::: Favorites
oo is the movie out yet?? isn't it coming out soon?
07-07-25 19:24:38


Duration: 188 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-06 07:46:58
User: GrzesiooTV2
:::: Favorites


ceriauld ::: Favorites
stupid dawg!
07-06-28 16:29:06

Annoying the Family

Duration: 237 seconds
Upload Time: 06-09-17 02:50:43
User: jklproduction
:::: Favorites

Lucas, Emily, and Stephanie are annoying the family! www.myspace.com/jklproductions

rachylrae ::: Favorites
ohh poor lucas!!
07-08-03 18:13:47
horsecrazyx25 ::: Favorites
my dad sits on me sometimes hes soo tall and weighs like 275 pounds.haha
07-08-03 22:33:31
WowImRandom102 ::: Favorites
Haha they have a biggg familyy, butt there so funnyy
07-08-04 19:49:50
cheerlegendzbabe4 ::: Favorites
hahahahahahahahaha this is hilarious!
07-08-04 20:36:10
ohhemgee1993 ::: Favorites
see u can afford pull ups
07-08-04 21:49:36
walkitoutXbaby ::: Favorites
Hahaha this is absolutely hilarious. i love that buckchery song it's my ringtone =]. ahaha lucas pulled a bam margera when he flip your guys dad over! your family looks like alot of fun!
07-08-04 21:51:26
britneejulaine ::: Favorites
ahahahaha! that was great!
07-08-05 00:40:31
jklprofan ::: Favorites
i luv the end when he sits on Lucas- too bad for him! :P
07-08-05 15:22:51
Mars4Lifeae ::: Favorites
OMG. R U KDDING ME. A7X I LOVE U GUYS 235790235 X MORE LOL loooooooove ur taste in music
07-08-05 20:49:45
brebre213 ::: Favorites
That was the best yet I am actually gonna use some of those. lol except my family will kill me
07-08-06 01:54:52

Venezuela encarna continuidad de las batallas sociales

Duration: 317 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-05 20:50:52
User: radioaporrea
:::: Favorites

(05/08/2007) Ronald Lumumba y Abdul Hakim Nasser, hijos de dos grandes líderes sociales del mundo como lo fueron Patrice Lumumba, mártir de la independencia de la República Democrática del Congo; y Gamal Abdel Nasser, dirigente de Egipto, respectivamente, coincidieron en afirmar que en Venezuela el Presidente Hugo Chávez encarna la continuidad de todas las batallas iniciadas por los grandes luchadores y humanistas del siglo XX. Así lo manifestaron durante el programa "Aló, Presidente", al que fueron invitados tras su participación en la VI Cumbre Social realizada en Caracas. Asimismo, el Secretario General del Foro contra la pobreza, Daikalia Outtara, quien vino a Venezuela desde la nación africana de Costa de Marfil, fue más allá y catalogó la importancia de la figura del mandatario nacional como un "mesías" del socialismo revolucionario.

kyvids ::: Favorites
Gamal Abdel Nasser: es. wikipedia. org/wiki/Gamal_Abdel_Nasser
07-08-06 07:57:02

Cool Breeze -Cre-a-tine

Duration: 186 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-17 19:36:35
:::: Favorites


broadstreetbulez ::: Favorites
this is the shit im talking about ATL represent!
07-07-22 17:12:05

Steven Gerrard promotes Liverpool National Museums

Duration: 218 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-06 04:25:46
User: srawra
:::: Favorites

Short promo of Gerrard endorsing local museums. Join LFCfanatics.com today!

amirmendes ::: Favorites
what did he say on 0.39..'its much more than.....'??
07-08-06 10:06:09
srawra ::: Favorites
there much more colour, its a lot more interesting, theres a lot more things to see.
07-08-06 12:59:27

070708-華視-羅志祥 寶島眼鏡

Duration: 29 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-08 22:47:01
User: btdrln
:::: Favorites

070708-華視-羅志祥 寶島眼鏡

littlecutekitty ::: Favorites
lmao, it makes me wanna wear glasses again XD <3
07-07-08 22:56:05
blazingstarx ::: Favorites
ya me toooo!!! lols
07-07-09 03:18:34
Gotcha442 ::: Favorites
WAAH If I can get those memos too I would love to wear glasses xP
07-07-09 06:26:00
muiyee78 ::: Favorites
Hahahahha... He looks ah beng with those type of glasses
07-07-09 10:17:41
vickieee ::: Favorites
i sure want those glasses now!
07-07-09 21:53:47
ohpooey ::: Favorites
i want those things w/ his pic on it! XD
07-07-20 19:37:49

Cheney Still Supports Gonzales

Duration: 70 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-30 16:54:48
User: Veracifier
:::: Favorites

Radio interview with Dick Cheney, July 30, 2007

ulostknowledge ::: Favorites
resolution is on the way cozaly go away!!!
07-07-31 16:29:51
RBLA818 ::: Favorites
Of course he has the confidence of Bush, their both Criminal Thugs!!
07-07-31 17:06:46
micsc50 ::: Favorites
Gonzales works for president Bush. Bush will get rid of him when he is ready to not when leakey Leahy or Chuckey Schumer wants him to.
07-07-31 17:34:39
shaire99 ::: Favorites
cheney, gonzo and bush . . . add their collective IQ's up and still they wouldn't equal Hillary or Obama. The sleaziest administration EVER for the USA, pitiful
07-07-31 17:37:49
selfTrust1 ::: Favorites
Where is the revolution? Americans should be angry about this whole thing, and in massive numbers. Just think about how hard the illegal Mexicans fight for rights in the US. Americans have become so dumbed down.
07-08-01 02:17:41
g587802 ::: Favorites
When you listen to Chaney think of this... "I'm not going to get into specifics" = "I'm full of shit, this is what I think, if you question why I'm saying it you'll never get an interview with me again. By the way... I might bomb your house and shoot your father in the face... get it" Then you might understand the man, understand what he is really saying, don't believe me...." Well I'm not going to get into specifics, but..."
07-08-01 02:45:42
Davidjbroman ::: Favorites
I love Cheney. Cheney for Prez! Write him in! Vote for experience!
07-08-01 07:41:38
shaire99 ::: Favorites
more disgusting and malicious megalomaniac has never walked the earth. The ULTIMATE CHICKENHAWK wouldn't serve(Took every conceivable deferment to stay out of Vietnam) but happily sends our guys off to die for lies and personal vendettas. He and Bush are America's ultimate shame. IMPEACH
07-08-01 11:06:01
lostdoteu9 ::: Favorites
there is this game "Lost" online ww w.lost.e u/4a704
07-08-01 13:54:01
Jmuduke ::: Favorites
Anyone who stands behind Gonzales is a traitor. He's been caught lying so many times it's riduculous that he hasn't been arrested yet.
07-08-01 14:56:11

Ron Paul on NH public radio pt 6

Duration: 314 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-14 13:09:12
User: vapatriot2
:::: Favorites

Ron Paul on New Hampshire Public Radio before the debate


Duration: 61 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-19 07:22:53
User: btdrln
:::: Favorites


lemongrass11 ::: Favorites
thank you!
07-07-30 00:04:43

星光同學會 - 因為我相信

Duration: 271 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-10 13:13:13
User: btdrln
:::: Favorites

你說的每一句話 像首歌反覆傳唱 儲存在我的心上 怎麼可能把它遺忘 後來故事變得怎樣 我們的手依然不放 我所有的悲傷 習慣有你陪伴 怎捨得再重返孤單 答應你 我不會離去 我們只是 短暫的分離 我會在附近 緊握著回憶 陪著你前進 答應我 你不會哭泣 我們有過那麼多約定 因為我相信 只要我相信 就會有奇蹟 你說的我都體諒 我的秘密鎖在你眼眶 我們從不同過往 並肩走向同一個方向 夢的重量壓在我肩上 所幸有你分一些承擔 滿天的星光 把每一步照亮 所以我們不會走散 過去一個人 偶爾嘆息 也曾想過要放棄 如今不為自己 也要為了你 笑著讓夢延續

pear0522 ::: Favorites
07-07-10 18:12:33
rainnii ::: Favorites
hehe i like it~ yoga so cute >W<
07-07-11 00:50:55

Blędy językowe polityków

Duration: 139 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-03 14:51:52
User: GrzesiooTV2
:::: Favorites

Fakty TVN 25012007

magix86 ::: Favorites
Pierwszo Powazno Probo co za cwok hahaha
07-07-24 09:22:33

070718-八大-張鈞甯 露得清細白修護面膜

Duration: 29 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-18 11:14:22
User: btdrln
:::: Favorites

070718-八大-張鈞甯 露得清細白修護面膜

TPMtv: Yearly Kos Chapter 9

Duration: 176 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-03 18:51:28
User: Veracifier
:::: Favorites

Juan Cole interview at YearlyKos

floBflo2020 ::: Favorites
Look up informed comment by Juan Cole. Educate yourselves..........
07-08-04 01:28:45
veronicatheviking ::: Favorites
I admire Juan Cole's writing and analysis for the most part, but once again--why are only "celebrity bloggers" being interviewed? "People power" indeed.
07-08-05 03:55:48
abarefootboy ::: Favorites
No one living on this bruised, little planet understands the Iraq war, the Middle East and the American dysfunctional psyche better. Period.
07-08-05 12:24:16
nicademus8 ::: Favorites
Wow, great interview. Too bad Juan Cole supported the invasion of Iraq. Which makes it all the better to hear him talk about the "95 percent of the media that were of the cheerleading sort", while pretending to be not included in that group.
07-08-06 18:13:30
whatfur ::: Favorites
95% my ass. The MSM here and abroad were calling Iraq a quagmire when we were first RUNNING to Baghdad. Lovely how the loonie left likes to reinvent history.
07-08-06 22:14:05
nbrunetti ::: Favorites
Juan Cole, NOT so illustrious... fooled by al Qaeda: nonpartypolitics DOT blogspot DOT com/2007/07/salon-writer-fooled-by-new-bin-laden.html
07-08-06 22:51:28
yo60613 ::: Favorites
The consummate douchebag. No one living .. etc, can twist the world's situations to meet his liking like Juan Cole. Hawk that book, baby. Make yourself feel important. You're not. You never will be. All you'll leave behind is an unattended grave. Deal with it. Loser.
07-08-06 22:54:44


Duration: 126 seconds
Upload Time: 06-09-24 20:15:37
User: boh3m3
:::: Favorites

Clips and such.

toxictemper ::: Favorites
I'm really frightened to know exactly what was in that shower.....
07-04-15 15:32:04
ImfreekinCRAZY3 ::: Favorites
LOL what the hell was all that about?
07-05-14 23:14:48
tomcat16789 ::: Favorites
lol Morris Day and the Time, that shits awesome lol.
07-05-31 00:03:10
5thAmericanIdiot ::: Favorites
Don't know why, but that was pretty fricken funny.
07-05-31 20:24:46
CrysXCross ::: Favorites
oh i just noticed you pierced your ear
07-06-10 01:35:43
inchazon ::: Favorites
dud you were whatching "la fea mas bella" thats like the mexican thing for "ugly bety" why do i know this?... its better for your health if i dont tell you XD
07-06-20 02:38:07
EmoBunnii ::: Favorites
What Was In The Shower?!
07-06-25 08:44:13
chaindemon ::: Favorites
new york shitty
07-07-15 21:29:39
gabbi123 ::: Favorites
i love you i love you i love you:)
07-07-20 15:59:54
darwintaba ::: Favorites
lmao...i knw this is kinda sad...but tht show u were watching was the old version of ugly betty...hmm..gr8 video! lol
07-07-30 02:46:12

Ale napierdoliłem o tym Śląsku

Duration: 273 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-20 11:24:52
User: GrzesiooTV2
:::: Favorites

Kazimierz Kutz Gość poranny TVN24 1306200

szatek1981 ::: Favorites
ale dales ziomek :)
07-06-23 18:21:43
grevilz ::: Favorites
Szacunek Panie Senatorze!
07-06-25 17:59:06
Rockyta1 ::: Favorites
Kutz to nie buc:)
07-07-05 19:06:26
MaydayMember ::: Favorites
Dobrze gada, Śląsk to nie Polska!
07-07-23 17:27:02

PoliticsTV interview with Joe Wilson @ Yearly Kos

Duration: 273 seconds
Upload Time: 06-10-06 13:04:57
User: Politicstv
:::: Favorites

Joe Wilson was arguably the star of the day for the second day of Yearly Kos (Friday). During her speech, Sen. Barbara Boxer hailed Joe Wilson as a hero and asked the former ambassador to recognize himself in the audience during her lunch keynote. Jason caught Wilson after the day's conference sessions were over and asked him a couple questions in this short interview. Wilson hailed the Yearly Kos conference as an "awesome event." [Friday, June 9, 2006]

BamCky5 ::: Favorites
This man is such a liar.
07-07-12 21:00:00
goodsnservices ::: Favorites
You're so deluded. Try getting your news somewhere other than Faux.
07-08-04 17:03:37


Duration: 32 seconds
Upload Time: 07-01-25 09:00:24
User: btdrln
:::: Favorites



Duration: 567 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-21 11:58:45
User: btdrln
:::: Favorites

DTF出品 http://www.dtfans.com/

meme275 ::: Favorites
more than 600 views and not even 1 rating?
07-02-27 17:25:44
jenniferyang7 ::: Favorites
07-07-18 00:13:24


Duration: 37 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-04 03:16:08
User: btdrln
:::: Favorites


Quit smoking...the alternative therapy

Duration: 20 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-01 11:29:29
User: thesunnewspaper
:::: Favorites

Sun journo Ian tries the 'new age' method in quitting fags

TPM TV: April 17th, 2007

Duration: 377 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-17 15:42:31
User: Veracifier
:::: Favorites

A Conversation with Jonathan Cohn, author of the new book, Sick: The Untold Story of America's Health Care Crisis - and the People Who Pay the Price.

zagonde ::: Favorites
France, Germany... and Australia, too.
07-04-17 21:32:36
jimbojim68 ::: Favorites
Thanks for doing a vlog on this. If the big 3 auto industry would lobby Republicans for universal healthcare, they could save their jobs. Of course, the CEOs will take buyouts for failing and move on.
07-04-17 22:59:20


Duration: 60 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-13 10:14:25
User: kurohagi3
:::: Favorites

それからどうした。 大変賢いワンコでした。

syokker ::: Favorites
07-06-20 22:57:31
imot0502 ::: Favorites
hahaha...my dog is into undies...
07-06-22 21:15:06
bestvid399 ::: Favorites
bad doggie girlhole.tripod,com
07-06-26 20:45:45
chooccuk ::: Favorites
hey I'm turkey. name tufan. my video look 'tufan ve arkadaşları' ok
07-06-29 19:30:26
michinco ::: Favorites
hahaha cool!
07-07-05 21:32:58
MulikKilla ::: Favorites
<b> World's largest sex and swinger personals with over 20,000,000 members looking to hook up with someone just like you! Enter [_SexDating4Free.com_] to Join for FREE </b>
07-07-16 16:22:41
victorukj161 ::: Favorites
Not bad. This website is pretty good for naked webcam girls - <B> CAMAHOLIC DOT NET </B>
07-07-17 21:06:42
Veestube ::: Favorites
cute commercial.
07-07-18 04:37:58
cammibignymphx ::: Favorites
Great vid. Want to have a fun fling? Check out WEBFLINGTODAY dot COM
07-07-23 01:56:47
iphone119 ::: Favorites
go to this site <B>____heaventruth.googlepages.com__
07-08-03 11:19:37

The Invention of Shoes

Duration: 139 seconds
Upload Time: 06-08-17 21:35:50
User: jklproduction
:::: Favorites

I bet you all hate stepping on rocks and other objects that hurt! Well, this video will HELP YOU WITH THAT PROBLEM! www.myspace.com/jklproductions

canadamtv ::: Favorites
07-07-29 20:49:16
JesusFr34k1 ::: Favorites
hes 13
07-07-31 05:40:16
were you guys like in an airport??
07-08-01 13:03:41
PrincessAndCisco ::: Favorites
omgah shoes...lets get some shoes...shoes ! lmao
07-08-01 17:59:21
horselovinruthie ::: Favorites
lol Nice song at the end
07-08-01 18:06:08
ScxGrlClayson ::: Favorites
R jON && KATIE like bro && sis ??
07-08-02 18:08:24
jklprofan ::: Favorites
luv the song at the end! yep, they are.
07-08-02 18:09:45
har0ldo ::: Favorites
att he end u spelled productions wrong lol but awesome video i was dying lol
07-08-03 05:26:11
ashleyluver82 ::: Favorites
where were u? i looks cool
07-08-03 12:25:14
chickenliver06 ::: Favorites
they are at the mall of america...i think...it really looks like it...i am in love
07-08-03 18:52:00