Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Durango/Auronthelegend vs SoleQuincy/HirumaYoichi fight 19

Duration: 02:30 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-12 16:11:44
User: trueninjatactics

jus | jump | ultimate | stars | battle 


Jump Ultimate Stars Battle Player 1: Durango/Auronthelegend (Ognar) Player 2: SoleQuincy/HirumaYoichi (Mr. Wright)



Sharpie Power

Duration: 00:45 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-05 02:06:37
User: KyoSohma12

Sharpie | Freeze | frame | Expo | permanent 


subscribe plz :D SHARPIES POWER OVER EXPO! why? because sharpie is permanent!!! my attempt at a freeze frame animation. accually. it DID turn out better than i thought. but hey. it works! i will get better *prompts* haha. enjoy!!! (or else.. dundundun) LMAO! yeah. so.. what have we learned after watching this? (read top again) -kyo


KyoSohma12  2008-01-14 20:24:29

hehe thanks
Xburnthebeautyx  2008-01-14 16:22:05

lol Expo's suck! I luv luv luv sharpies! good video btw!
KyoSohma12  2008-01-13 13:49:29

haha. yeah.
piesniffer  2008-01-13 10:57:57

lol he stole its lid!! XDXD
KyoSohma12  2008-01-05 02:17:05

haha. yeah. i like the music too ^.^ thanks =)

Xena Bloopers Season 1 Pt. 1

Duration: 05:05 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-10-31 06:14:48
User: SharmenForever

Xena | Gabrielle | Renee | O'Connor | Lucy 


Bloopers of Season 1 from the television series: Xena Warrior Princess, enjoy!


billabong4675  2008-02-16 16:46:27

oh my god i really love the bloopers of xena warrior princess!!! gabi is so cute,when she is laughing
careforu911  2008-01-23 15:47:42

shes sooooooo funny i love blooper lol Jay xxxxxxxxxx
ladyhawk989  2008-01-22 11:38:31

"I don't have any sleeves!" LOL
54spiritedwill54  2008-01-18 21:12:29

Battle on Xena!
syprnc  2008-01-13 03:36:49

shes sounds so cute when she says sorry at 2:32!!

Unspoken Attraction - a tangie mvid

Duration: 03:16 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-29 16:08:53
User: lookinout

Tangie | Tangeline | Renee | Elise | Goldsberry 


A slow and smooth mvid featuring Tangie and how they don't need words to communicate how they're feeling to one another.


nunofyourfukinbusnes  2008-02-19 03:20:45

Omigod! That may be my favourite Tangie vid yet. Just slow and seductive like them how fabulous! Please make more jazz vids in black and white like this in anticipation of REG's return thanks so much!!!!
fletcher373  2008-01-29 02:03:03

I love this, it is a different song choice from the other Tangie vids. The b/w was the right touch. Tangeline and the music are the same: sensual, passionate and classic. Thanks lookinout
MaeDae88  2007-09-08 01:48:53

i agree!! we got robbed of an awesome power couple!! vange totally would have been the best thing to ever happen to todd!! now he's stuck with blair...*tear*
madgy85  2007-06-16 15:41:55

This is for the grown and sexy. That is the appeal of Tangeline. Grown, sexy and DEEP, a mature kind of attraction, which is rarely seen on TV these days. Tangeline is timeless.
TangelineMadness  2007-06-11 14:34:16

I keep coming back to this video because the music along w/the b&w clips just flow so nicely with the Tangeline moments. The trumpet is uber beautiful, sensual, classy, yet melancholy at the same time which describes Tangeline. Sensual, sexy, beautiful, classy and the list goes on and on.. I miss them.. just no words for how BAD I've got it for this amazing couple and friendship.. I want REG back NOW!! lol!

JUAN DIEGO FLOREZ festival de la paz 1989

Duration: 04:39 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-29 01:55:00
User: demenjavi

opera | festival | bodrio | gay | florez 


Festival de la cancion por la paz, lima 1989, juan diego florez ganó el festival con 16 años y cantando mal.


lecastellan  2007-10-28 02:59:52

Bien sur c'est de la"variétoche"des années 80-90 mais il faut bien commencer.en tout cas,c'est très touchant de voir JDF dans ce contexte. Il est pour moi à l'heure actuelle le plus grand par son charisme et le choix sérieux de son répertoire... ça lui aussi comme les anciens qui savaient ménager leur carrière.Vive le retour de ce sérieux-là.A bas la consommation des voix et vive Juan Diégo,la voix et la musique!!!
clarenita71  2007-10-27 18:44:31

A un artista como Juan Diego Flòrez, se le persona cualquier pecado.
heyhit  2007-10-24 20:57:14

A mi no me parece malo ni nada parecido, el unico problema es que no esta cantanto con la voz impostada, pero su voz es la misma.
amesamis24  2007-10-24 20:43:17

luis miguel? precisamente por falta de estudio no canta como antes...ahora Juan Diego es todo un ejemplo de superación pero igual pienso que el tema no se presta para dar una opinión muy amplia de lo que era su voz en ese momento...
elhenrieto  2007-10-20 04:07:32

me gustó...

piano jazz

Duration: 13:25 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-21 09:53:13
User: chicoflaco

jazz | piano |


me playing jazz


chicoflaco  2008-02-07 18:25:17

one of my favs too
claitontesch  2008-02-02 22:49:40


General Hospital GH 02/19/08 part 4

Duration: 06:39 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-19 17:37:31
User: CaziGirl

General | Hospital | Soapnet | Megan | Ward 


Nik, Em, Nadine; Jerry, Alexis, Kristina; Ric, Mari; Kate's surgery, Bobbie??, Sonny, Jason.


tuamorsita  2008-02-20 10:28:41

i actually feel bad for michael in this episode. poor kid is terrified- and he was trying to get rid of the gun. it really was an accident.
alice4au  2008-02-20 05:27:08

Especially when he told him that if he (Sonny) caught Him (Michael) with a gun there will be hell to pay
moncherise  2008-02-20 02:12:08

Lol, I guess it has been there for a while, but it's really clear when you see her through the surgery window...her puffy lips really stick out!
Tsavoma  2008-02-20 01:43:53

Are you just noticing? lol She has had a ton of work! I think GH gets a package deal Bobbie, Monica, Claudia. Maybe they can write it in to Dr Devlin's story line!
csluka88  2008-02-20 01:35:23

she hasn't left she's been put on recurring status...basically that means she's the new Audrey.

Marina e Zezé Mota cantando Transas de Amor 1979

Duration: 03:45 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-12 14:56:55
User: BethaMedeiros

Marina | Lima | Zezé | Mota | Transas 


Marilia Gabriela, na TVUOL, mostra entrevista de Marina pra TV Cultura em 79 e também um trecho de 'Transas de Amor' com Zezé Mota e Marina, gravado no show do Projeto Pixinguinha aonde Marina era convidada de Zezé e Luis Melodia! Raridade total!



steve and his airplane

Duration: 00:35 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-31 20:49:40
User: upbeatjazz

steve | airplane |





Shing02 - Luv(sic) Hallelujah Remix

Duration: 04:14 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-20 08:08:20
User: gentoku17

dancehall remix
