Duration: 07:11 minutes Upload Time: 06-12-23 00:56:48 User: jorbman05 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Tech Deck Masters!!!!Watch to see the insane tricks. ps. we dont use 3 fingers like those other kids |
Comments | |
maellerosanne ::: Favorites wat up with the side landings??????? 07-10-07 06:34:36 __________________________________________________ | |
trimpy1 ::: Favorites Call your tricks...haha you suck 07-10-07 02:17:32 __________________________________________________ | |
s8z ::: Favorites u suck 07-10-06 18:38:28 __________________________________________________ | |
kazumasaru69 ::: Favorites u guys suck ass... -___- no offense but yea u do lmao! 07-10-06 18:12:50 __________________________________________________ | |
Huleboerdreng ::: Favorites Nope, you certainly dont use 3 fingers - you use all 5! :O You guys suck . . . ass! 07-10-06 13:36:59 __________________________________________________ | |
winegarden666 ::: Favorites you guys suck BAD and you say ur tech deck gods? your pathetic 07-10-06 12:49:13 __________________________________________________ | |
Shadowofthecolosus ::: Favorites this song is sandstorm and it go anoying the 1st time~! 07-10-05 22:42:41 __________________________________________________ | |
hippieslay ::: Favorites you guys are terrible.... 07-10-05 22:17:12 __________________________________________________ | |
boardwalksurfer5 ::: Favorites ok.... 07-10-05 19:02:25 __________________________________________________ |
Sunday, October 7, 2007
aznar "habla" italiano, sufre síndrome del acento extranjero
Duration: 08:46 minutes Upload Time: 07-05-17 05:55:34 User: cordonsanitario :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: 16/05/07 El Intermedio Bajar con http://vixy.net/ Descárgate los vídeos ahora, no esperes a que desaparezcan Parla de Sarkozy, España y Francia. Bush, Hugo Chávez, Fox, Toledo. El Intermedio El Gran Wyoming laSexta la sexta nación española il giornale napoles roma La Repubblica SALUD Síndrome del acento extranjero, una curiosa alteración del habla Son casos esporádicos en los que el individuo termina hablando con acento distinto al de su país, lo que le provoca conflictos de identidad personal. Entre los casos documentados hay cuatro argentinos. Mariana Nisebe. De la Redacción de Clarín.com mnisebe@claringlobal.com.ar Andrea, una joven española habla un castellanoclaro, pero suena con un "acento" extranjero que no puede evitar. De hecho, quien la escuche podrá pensar que es francesa, inglesa o alemana, pero nunca española. Ella misma se siente extraña al escucharse y como no puede cambiar lo que le pasa, empieza a sufrir conflictos con su propia identidad. Este caso es sólo uno de los 20 registrados en el mundo de personas que padecen el Síndrome del acento extranjero o FAS (Foreign Accent Sindrome). Se trata de un raro trastorno, restringido a los sistemas motores de la producción del habla de origen neurológico, consecuencia de una lesión cerebral. Esto provoca que los pacientes hablen su lengua materna como lo haría un extranjero. Este efecto es inevitable para la propia persona y, por su brusca aparición, suele traer como consecuencia problemas emocionales relacionados con la pérdida de identidad personal y del sentido de pertenencia a una comunidad. Según científicos de la Universidad de Oxford (EE.UU), lo que sucede es que la persona no adquiere el acento sino que se modifican los patrones del habla. El traumatismo en el cerebro hace que la persona afectada cambie la longitud de las sílabas, altere el tono o pronuncie mal ciertos sonidos. Según los más recientes estudios, el FAS no se ha asociado con daños en un sitio específico de este órgano; lesiones corticales o subcorticales de pequeño tamaño pueden producir el síndrome. Y, aunque la mayoría de los casos conocidos corresponden a lesiones en el hemisferio izquierdo, existen cuatro casos con lesiones en el hemisferio derecho. La mayor parte de los casos publicados son de personas monolingües, sin posibilidad de "fuente" para su acento extranjero. Y, si bien este trastorno se lo asocia en algún punto a la afasia que es "la expresión o comprensión defectuosa del lenguaje escrito o hablado", se diferencia porque los pacientes no presentan déficit de lenguaje expresivo o compresivo, ni distorsiones fonéticas. Al contrario, el habla en ellos es perfectamente inteligible y no se interpreta como patológica para los que los escuchan. Incluso, quienes sufren este síndrome no se enfrentan, explican los especialistas, a situaciones propias de un enfermo, sino a las propias de un hablante extranjero. El habla, describe un meticuloso estudio español sobre FAS publicado en Revista de Neurología, "desde el punto de vista motor, es un verdadero prodigio de coordinación neuromuscular y, de hecho, se la reconoce como la conducta motora más compleja del repertorio humano. Hablar, implica la acción coordinada de un centenar de músculos vinculados a grupos independientes e inervados por distintos nervios craneales. Esta coordinación requiere una apropiada secuenciación y un ajuste extremadamente fino entre los movimientos musculares". Esto significa, concluye el informe, que cualquier desajuste, por pequeño que sea, "tienen consecuencias acústicas que las detectan inmediatamente los oyentes de una lengua". Respecto al tratamiento de este síndrome, algunos autores proponen adaptar determinadas técnicas empleadas en los cuadros de afasias del habla; especialmente "los esfuerzos por modificar la voz, distorsiones del punto y modo de articulación y sustituciones y variaciones en la producción de consonantes, que contribuyen a la percepción del acento". El objetivo, ayudar a estos pacientes a recobrar no sólo su originaria forma de habla sin "acentos extraños", sino también superar los problemas de identidad y de pertenencia a una comunidad de la que son oriundos. El último caso que ha tenido repercusión en los medios, es el de Tiffany Roberts, de 61 años; que a pesar de haber nacido en Indiana (EE.UU) y de nunca haber estado en Gran Bretaña; luego de un lesión cerebral en 1999 habla con un acento inglés que desde entonces no ha podido modificar. http://www.clarin.com/diario/2005/06/08/conexiones/t-991245.htm |
Comments | |
Llorca1984 ::: Favorites ole, ole ole.... aprenda Italiano con Aznari en fin, este hombre esta fatal... 07-10-04 21:12:06 __________________________________________________ | |
irenefcb ::: Favorites jajaja muy buenoooo!! 07-10-04 16:30:57 __________________________________________________ | |
dia13890 ::: Favorites jajaja que rico esta este show 07-10-04 01:53:48 __________________________________________________ | |
predicadordelmetal ::: Favorites Las atrocidades de la gente conservadora y de la iglesia no cuentan? porque estas se han producido durante siglos y siglos.. por ejemplo: la inquisicion o el franquismo.. acaso piensas que franco soluciono algo? él si que cometió atrocidades. Lo que pudo hacer la republica es insignificante con todo el horror que hizo ese dictador. 07-10-01 14:22:27 __________________________________________________ | |
albertiyu20 ::: Favorites Seria una gran pena ke tuvierake suceder otra vez una republica , pero si asi desaparecen cosas ke tendria ke aver desaparecido ya hace 30 años , k asi sea!! Viva ESPAÑA abajo os fascistas asura 07-09-30 16:44:15 __________________________________________________ | |
Rafaelloquesada ::: Favorites Perdona pero lo que lleva a la Guerra Civil es una República que permitió todo tipo de atrocidades contra la gente conservadora y la iglesia, por no hablar de las bandas organizadas y alborotadoras. La sublevación se produjo por esta serie de malos acontecimientos a los que no dieron solución. 07-09-30 14:14:29 __________________________________________________ | |
estopero92 ::: Favorites Aver, el acento italiano no lo tiene un español, igual que a la inversa... Lo que pasa es que Aznar ahi no dice NADA, es como cuando intentó hablar ingles, "texano" xD, o cuando dijo que hablaba Catalan en la intimidad... El video: 1. Acento = Balbucea como si fuese una imitación barata del italiano. 2. Texto correcto = a saber porque no se le entiende. Y aver, que igual que lo hace Aznar le puede pasar a muchos, pero ese tio puede ser representado como España, y eso es intolerable... 07-09-30 13:43:26 __________________________________________________ | |
Rafaelloquesada ::: Favorites Are you totally sure? With englih accent? Don´t make me laugh! Most of the spanish people would say exactly as they could guess...and they would try to say it with italian accent. 07-09-30 13:37:16 __________________________________________________ | |
estopero92 ::: Favorites Tu panorama incluye a Aznar, ¿no? porque si no no es el panorama, es tu oposicion xD 07-09-30 12:34:41 __________________________________________________ | |
estopero92 ::: Favorites Porque desde siempre los EXPresidentes tienen a donde ir, pues han sido presidentes... o si no mira donde anda metido ahora Aznar.. 07-09-30 12:33:56 __________________________________________________ |
What old people do for fun
Duration: 00:40 minutes Upload Time: 06-11-10 11:26:37 User: reedthis :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: What old people do for fun SCARING PEOPLE |
Comments | |
ShinyTHPS ::: Favorites lmao 07-08-25 05:58:12 __________________________________________________ | |
bubbleprincess709 ::: Favorites omg! lolz, it didnt lok like he even had the steering wheel at :26 then he did when she "swerved" 07-08-10 00:52:21 __________________________________________________ | |
catsgomeowz ::: Favorites LAWL 07-07-08 18:00:02 __________________________________________________ | |
ahmadm1nd3 ::: Favorites gr8 07-06-04 09:02:02 __________________________________________________ | |
SASSniper ::: Favorites hahahaha good stuff 07-04-14 03:59:53 __________________________________________________ | |
thomaswheeler1991 ::: Favorites I think that they do do this 07-03-17 16:45:53 __________________________________________________ | |
arzon ::: Favorites roflmao, brilliant 07-03-16 09:22:37 __________________________________________________ |
trick my truck/ big rigs/ cb radio pics
Duration: 04:44 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-02 00:44:31 User: hudsonboy100 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: pics |
Comments | |
cowboymike1982 ::: Favorites Nice video. Cowboymike was here... 07-09-15 15:00:48 __________________________________________________ | |
626peterbilt ::: Favorites I like the truck on 49 07-08-23 16:18:41 __________________________________________________ | |
gasjocker19 ::: Favorites great video love the song and the show just gets the adreniline going now im dying to get back into my uncles peterbuilt 07-08-18 22:02:41 __________________________________________________ | |
bigcd02 ::: Favorites Ilove that song 07-08-18 18:05:23 __________________________________________________ | |
chessepeople ::: Favorites NICE :D 07-08-14 17:37:05 __________________________________________________ | |
truckerboywillis ::: Favorites get r done hee haw roll on 07-08-07 22:53:37 __________________________________________________ | |
zeproo ::: Favorites some monster trucks with some monster rigs.. i love the pic of the Galaxy :-) 07-08-02 13:07:59 __________________________________________________ | |
hudsonboy100 ::: Favorites thank you 10.4 07-08-02 11:53:35 __________________________________________________ | |
masterace089 ::: Favorites GOOD STUFF 10/4 07-08-02 08:59:51 __________________________________________________ |
UFO Capturado
Duration: 06:59 minutes Upload Time: 07-03-08 21:10:13 User: gazdaniel :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: ET capturado ou parte de uma produção, veja! Captured UFO or just part of a production? Awsome Art! |
Comments | |
LUCANOXXI ::: Favorites este video me gusta bastante, es original y mezcla una serie de percepciones 07-10-04 22:10:39 __________________________________________________ | |
maesgova ::: Favorites es un buen video felisitacones 07-10-04 18:13:29 __________________________________________________ | |
dubterrier ::: Favorites Aphex twin - rubber johnny :) 07-10-03 09:50:09 __________________________________________________ | |
tebodh ::: Favorites wena produccion bravoooooooooooo 07-10-03 00:23:26 __________________________________________________ | |
Revigoe7 ::: Favorites isso e uma animação de um alienigena... E apenas uma animação de computador... 07-10-01 03:14:52 __________________________________________________ | |
Revigoe7 ::: Favorites puta que pariu,esse e o video mais sem noção que ja vi...ma que merda,eu tava crente que era verdade...o que as cameras não fazem mesmo...ficou muuuuuuuuuuito bem feito... 07-10-01 00:58:24 __________________________________________________ | |
SOIAx11x ::: Favorites Love it :-) 07-09-30 03:55:40 __________________________________________________ | |
dylaxtoon ::: Favorites pode ser verddade e terem sacado os filmes a socapa... roubaram... mas puseram fake no alien 07-09-27 13:03:43 __________________________________________________ | |
elonimar ::: Favorites sacanagem..eu também tava acreditando..rsrrsrs...o que as câmeras não fazem né mesmo...hehehe..bem produzido parabéns.. 07-09-27 11:53:34 __________________________________________________ | |
SpiderJukebox ::: Favorites genius genius genius bravo brava bravo I was beling, but I´m glad that is not 07-09-26 10:01:12 __________________________________________________ |
Court Clark Defying Gravity (from "Wicked")
Duration: 04:57 minutes Upload Time: 07-01-18 00:00:28 User: recoveringmormon :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: UPDATE: For those of you who have been asking for a studio version, check the Video Responses section beneath this video! Me singing one of my signature karaoke tracks at Charlie's in Denver. I think I did okay until I totally screwed up the ending. Check out some of my original music at http://www.myspace.com/CourtClark I love feedback so feel free to drop me a line! |
Comments | |
wickedude ::: Favorites Oh, I get it... Dang. You are truly splendid, though. I was truly amazed and newly inspired as well. 07-09-23 22:29:49 __________________________________________________ | |
recoveringmormon ::: Favorites Copyright restrictions won't let me post it on MySpace. Thanks for the compliments though. 07-09-23 02:58:45 __________________________________________________ | |
CurlyGirl5562 ::: Favorites YOU. ARE. AMAZING. 07-09-23 00:22:15 __________________________________________________ | |
wickedude ::: Favorites What a pristine voice... Amazing... Truly amazing... Why don't you put this up on your MySpace? I want to use it. 07-09-22 23:47:40 __________________________________________________ | |
MidmorningCat ::: Favorites d'ahh, lovely voice ^^ 07-08-31 20:12:56 __________________________________________________ | |
rachelsommers ::: Favorites shiny 07-08-21 14:02:33 __________________________________________________ | |
rachelsommers ::: Favorites marry me i'll duet with you 07-08-17 18:49:55 __________________________________________________ | |
foodroundthecorner ::: Favorites Wow, you have a simply amazing voice. Do you sing a lot? This was really good, especially since it was written for a womans' voice. I have no other words. Except wow. But..I already said that. 07-07-25 10:54:23 __________________________________________________ | |
actor13 ::: Favorites I done the same lol. 07-07-24 06:01:11 __________________________________________________ | |
Zyntak ::: Favorites absouletly love the riffing and you totally made the song your own which more elphabas should do 07-07-10 22:31:52 __________________________________________________ |
I'm not okay, my chemial romance
Duration: 03:28 minutes Upload Time: 07-01-13 12:24:35 User: ImAPunkRocker91 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: I'm not okay, my chemical romance |
Comments | |
anuglylittlekid ::: Favorites Haha, i love this vid and this song <3 07-10-05 14:12:19 __________________________________________________ | |
LyraHisDarkMaterials ::: Favorites its says my goldfish romance half way threw...... is dat my imagination???? 07-10-03 16:41:10 __________________________________________________ | |
LyraHisDarkMaterials ::: Favorites this video makes me want 2 give frank a BIG hug. and eat crayons. 07-10-03 16:37:37 __________________________________________________ | |
billytdm ::: Favorites love this song 07-09-30 17:01:16 __________________________________________________ | |
lonerchik ::: Favorites I love this song 07-09-11 13:16:10 __________________________________________________ | |
BlackorWhite808 ::: Favorites how come good responses hav thumbs down and watch mine will be the same 2 07-09-06 22:48:04 __________________________________________________ | |
gerardlover4lyfe ::: Favorites Emonicity: if you support emos and wish people would just leave them alone..post this comment one different video comments and reply to this one 07-08-31 18:08:39 __________________________________________________ | |
saintdort ::: Favorites hepinizin yorumu boqtan 07-08-29 16:56:39 __________________________________________________ | |
emilykeat ::: Favorites ABSOLUTLY 07-08-29 10:05:26 __________________________________________________ | |
myCHEMICALromance967 ::: Favorites i think it a bit unfair cause there was 4 of them and lyk 7 chavs HOW UNFAIR!! but mcr would win any way lol 07-08-29 08:35:37 __________________________________________________ |
280707 guaitan - haunted room 640 1/5
Duration: 10:57 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-06 07:16:14 User: mtss520 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: guaitan team tried to have spirit ceremony in the haunted room 640 but the spirit didnt like them ... http://www.youtube.com/group/guaitan |
Comments | |
adeline0902 ::: Favorites well can't she use a peeler so that the apple peel doesn't break? she kept breaking the peel.. 07-10-05 17:14:19 __________________________________________________ | |
Danny699 ::: Favorites mtss520 you're the best!!! 07-08-09 07:01:07 __________________________________________________ | |
mk0220 ::: Favorites thank you so much for sharing....looking forward to see more~~ 07-08-09 04:45:17 __________________________________________________ | |
SanakanfuckYT ::: Favorites Hmm... the thing is, she haven't go inside the room yet or encounter anything weird yet. You have to try FIRST before a single thing does happen and thats why guaitan staff started to 'retrieve' when there's danger to them. Thus, I'm very disappoint of her and she's even worst than the previous host ka kei's crying attitude I believe. Anyway, this is my thought, and hope doesnt' makes you guys feel like flaming or insulting k? ;P 07-08-09 03:33:43 __________________________________________________ | |
seetoh1990 ::: Favorites yea.. i feel that she has the right to do that... any case. we as 3rd parties... cannot really know how she feels this time round.. she was brave in other episodes.. but for this particular episode.. i think she really felt something that she is so scared... 07-08-08 23:10:14 __________________________________________________ | |
mtss520 ::: Favorites if she think tat is goin to hurt her, she can choose not to do it . she cant risk her own life for guaitan fans ... i support her ... 07-08-08 10:45:15 __________________________________________________ | |
SanakanfuckYT ::: Favorites I so hate that girl, she just reject when the staff told her to go in the room alone without a thought. If you can't do what the guaitan staffs are told you to, then don't signed the goddam contract, BITCH. There still alot of ppl are really happy and looking forward to film with guaitan staff. 07-08-08 06:31:16 __________________________________________________ | |
vincent148 ::: Favorites wow at last 07-08-07 13:10:22 __________________________________________________ | |
nimbeh ::: Favorites wow i think u made us worried a bit. tot u get caught already :) cant live without watching it man. thanks!!! 07-08-07 12:12:37 __________________________________________________ | |
nixiao86 ::: Favorites mtss520 i love you..u r the best. thanks for upload guaitan ya!!! muak muak 07-08-07 11:41:29 __________________________________________________ |
John Cena Sucks Video(Part 1&2)
Duration: 07:02 minutes Upload Time: 07-09-09 17:48:54 User: cuentanoexistente :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Segundo video de cena sucks hecho por mi y mi oscio, john cena sucks video, Songs: The Offspring - pretty fly Unknow - Popeye song cover wwe roh tna ecw smackdown raw wrestlemania hbk shawn michaels dx Y2J chris jericho booker t finlay william regal brock lesnar undertaker RVD rob van dam edge rated r johnny nitro morrison |
Comments | |
skipperl ::: Favorites true u do have a point 07-10-05 23:19:58 __________________________________________________ | |
Pedigree4Life ::: Favorites Calm down i said that batista is worst than cena but cena is a bad wrestler. of course that to be a great guy you have to put your body on the line and cena don't put yours BUT is better that batista 07-10-03 20:01:23 __________________________________________________ | |
Brolynick ::: Favorites Hahaha to all you Cena-lovers, he vacated the title :D I can watch RAW again :) (plz let Jericho come at No Mercy and win) 07-10-03 13:26:27 __________________________________________________ | |
xinosko ::: Favorites 02:02 hahahah cena sucks 07-10-02 05:03:14 __________________________________________________ | |
RatedRKingofKings ::: Favorites I disagree with you. Batista being the retarded steroid-build shitbag that he is, is better than cena and a most credible champion. At least at their first push as champions, back in 2005, batista was a decent champion; cena is just a babyface piece of crap who can't wrestle his granny 07-10-02 01:03:42 __________________________________________________ | |
Jayyedx ::: Favorites that made no sense. 07-09-29 16:48:32 __________________________________________________ | |
pedigreeY2J ::: Favorites CENA SUUUUUUUCKSSSS 07-09-29 14:52:43 __________________________________________________ | |
ThousanWhite ::: Favorites He obviously doesn't suck enough for all of these hate videos to be made of him. People show him enough respect to do that. If he was really that bad, no one would bother doing anything. 07-09-28 01:18:50 __________________________________________________ | |
OCcrazy1 ::: Favorites vanilla is a better rapper then cena 07-09-26 15:46:20 __________________________________________________ | |
jolugaga ::: Favorites CENA SUCKZ!!!!!!!!!!!!! borck lesnar rulez!!! 07-09-25 22:58:52 __________________________________________________ |
Duration: 03:26 minutes Upload Time: 07-06-19 09:50:34 User: Pablo668 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Hey, This is another original song by Peter. He sure can write a good tune this boy. Not sure exactly what the story is about in this one, just lonely people, wide open spaces, and maybe a bit of redemption thrown in for good measure. I'll have to get Pete to clear this one up. Kudos again for Helen, playing the Banjo uke (which she's only just learned), great Job Helen. |
Comments | |
jeffkahl ::: Favorites great tune and good on ya Helen for picking up the banjo uke so quickly! 07-09-12 05:46:18 __________________________________________________ | |
Pablo668 ::: Favorites Yeah, great effort wasn't it. Thanks 07-09-12 10:07:44 __________________________________________________ | |
meritcooper ::: Favorites I'm curious about the banjo uke. I got a baritone uke that I tune like the last 4 strings of my 5 string banjo. Works out great for me since I don't have to learn any new chords. Cheater!!! I know. Sometime you will have to introduce your instruments by holding them up and telling us a litle bit about them. 07-06-27 16:23:46 __________________________________________________ | |
Pablo668 ::: Favorites Ok, next song I use the Banjo Uke in I'll do that. 07-06-27 21:14:46 __________________________________________________ | |
booradleysstuntman ::: Favorites Great song, Peter! Sounds like...no, you know what? It sounds exactly like the song it is. Which is a good thing when you're writing an original song. So if Paul is the John Lennon of the group & Helen's the McCartney, that would make Peter the Quiet George Harrison. i guess the Ringo is whoever happens to be on egg duty. Classic Pablo, guys :) 07-06-22 03:11:10 __________________________________________________ | |
Pablo668 ::: Favorites Ha ha ha, Thanks boo, we tend to alternate a bit on instruments, Me on Uke and Mando and Banjo Uke, Helen Egg master, guitar, and now Uke and Banjo uke, Peter is the guitar maestro and our mentor...does a lot of (all) the cheat sheets...we kind of thrash out harmonies and formats together. Thanks again. 07-06-22 03:22:40 __________________________________________________ | |
pixiepqueen ::: Favorites Peter is a mix of all those guys. He seems quiet, but he is actually quite lively. He is a Libran like John Lennon. Peter was born on Oct the 1st where as John was born on the 9th. 07-06-22 05:45:18 __________________________________________________ | |
mrmac2141 ::: Favorites Wow... that was REALLY good... the quieter one can sure write a song! Still waters run deep, as they say... You guys (and lovely Helen) just continue to impress.. 07-06-20 22:49:27 __________________________________________________ | |
Pablo668 ::: Favorites Hmmm, nice saying, very apt for our Petey too. Except when it comes to football. Then he gets noisy. Thanks for the kind words again. 07-06-20 23:47:28 __________________________________________________ | |
Pablo668 ::: Favorites Thanks Dara. 07-06-20 01:07:00 __________________________________________________ |
Metallica - Some Kind of Monster - Lars Rants
Duration: 02:29 minutes Upload Time: 07-01-21 04:09:13 User: grimward :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Lars Ulrich bitching at James Hetfield. |
Comments | |
SuicideKing19 ::: Favorites Yeah, because they really need soooooooo much more money. And someone downloading one of their songs really hurts their pocket books, because of course no one still buys the records since the internet's been around, and no one goes to their concerts, or buys their commemorative mugs and t-shirts and jackets and wallets, and everything else that has the name Metallica stamped on it. God it's surprising the man isn't broke isn't it? 07-10-06 19:55:05 __________________________________________________ | |
blakkmage ::: Favorites Lars rules, so stfu all n00bs. 07-10-05 17:11:50 __________________________________________________ | |
afabandjon ::: Favorites mate how would you feel if you put 1000s of hours of work on a album only to have ppl download it and u not get paid for ur hard work how the fuck would you feel dick 07-10-01 21:29:37 __________________________________________________ | |
MainStMafia ::: Favorites How un-mrtal are these cunts???? 07-09-30 23:54:35 __________________________________________________ | |
Carlos1584 ::: Favorites FUCK!!! 07-09-30 18:40:22 __________________________________________________ | |
Lunarisx718 ::: Favorites somebody get lars a waaaaamburger 07-09-29 11:03:45 __________________________________________________ | |
shawn1533 ::: Favorites fuck lars he started sewing for piracy he is a little bitch 07-09-27 16:57:48 __________________________________________________ | |
Healzi7 ::: Favorites ive always thought james was the dominant one in the band... and now finally lars has a skitz because its torn him up inside... sure james has got a family and shit but when hes with metallica...he needs to forget about that stuff...metallica is what put him where he is today...he needs to continue that. Some kind of monster was an awesome movie!...but the Album St Anger is so bad...so mainstream...no shreddin guitar solos anymore...no kick ass riffs back in the "Kill Em All" days. 07-09-27 02:10:34 __________________________________________________ | |
hifirobbie ::: Favorites Dude, it's like a corporate meeting. Sell-outs. 07-09-26 02:34:28 __________________________________________________ | |
PCass19 ::: Favorites Lars is a little BIATCH!!! 07-09-23 08:55:17 __________________________________________________ |
Duran Duran - Girls On Film
Duration: 03:29 minutes Upload Time: 07-06-14 13:13:40 User: MaddMatt410 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Duran Duran - Girls On Film. Third single off 1981 debut album Duran Duran. |
Comments | |
Sura89 ::: Favorites Hehe, this is theme song of Speed Grapher. :D It is anime serie. ^^ 07-09-23 07:07:18 __________________________________________________ | |
serkanapaydin ::: Favorites şarkı bi boka benzemez am klip güzel :))) 07-09-22 17:25:07 __________________________________________________ | |
sumdude23 ::: Favorites So sick! Great pop band! POP was great in the 80's, now its just been destroyed. 07-09-22 15:31:56 __________________________________________________ | |
plugtop0000 ::: Favorites pure fuck me tune...girls on film wat lyrics.. 07-09-21 23:24:26 __________________________________________________ | |
catedicaprio ::: Favorites This song is the best. 07-09-21 14:45:24 __________________________________________________ | |
AngelaNicole78 ::: Favorites I love this song!! One of my favs:D 07-09-19 18:18:30 __________________________________________________ | |
sumdude23 ::: Favorites the 80s's... great music out of that decade. Then POP was actual and good music! I've been hearing this song for ages. 07-09-18 15:47:47 __________________________________________________ | |
cjnicholas ::: Favorites E.P.I.C the personification of cool. I love this, and it make me feel Y.O.U.N.G again. 07-09-18 11:24:34 __________________________________________________ | |
cadebra1961 ::: Favorites Sexy. Hot. Cool. 07-09-17 21:33:13 __________________________________________________ | |
gingersnapmuncha ::: Favorites love duran duran. I'd tap that :P (the boys in dd ;D) loving this song loads upon loads. 07-09-16 02:41:07 __________________________________________________ |
KH: "End of the World (Darkness in Every Heart Mix)"
Duration: 03:20 minutes Upload Time: 07-03-26 20:41:36 User: sosogood :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Song: "End of the World [Darkness in Every Heart Mix]" by Cameron Goss To download the song (and its various versions), go here: http://www.squaresound.com/games/kh/arrangements.html I made a string quintet version of "End of the World," then layered it with drums and audio clips from KH1. I then decided to make an AMV out of it using mostly scenes from KHII and Deep Dive. The strings were made using Vienna Symphonic Library: Chamber Strings. The beats are loops, and the video/audio clips are from KH-vids.net |
Comments | |
aurian13 ::: Favorites it is posible to dowlowd this video from youtube? 07-08-28 19:35:55 __________________________________________________ | |
aurian13 ::: Favorites its the best video of KHª!!! 07-08-28 11:20:46 __________________________________________________ | |
onihideyasu ::: Favorites brilliant work! 07-08-12 21:52:55 __________________________________________________ | |
Rikkusan ::: Favorites oh wow that was brilliant! *favs* 07-08-10 07:05:05 __________________________________________________ | |
aznxangel ::: Favorites that was AMAZING 07-08-04 15:10:53 __________________________________________________ | |
meowch5000 ::: Favorites i love this song! thanks! 07-07-29 05:22:10 __________________________________________________ | |
acyr ::: Favorites shweeeeeet 07-06-22 11:56:39 __________________________________________________ | |
illskillz07 ::: Favorites fuckin' fresh son! 07-06-01 01:38:59 __________________________________________________ | |
gabidesu ::: Favorites Cameron's KH Covers rules *_*! 07-05-28 00:45:28 __________________________________________________ | |
sosogood ::: Favorites Thanks! :P 07-05-26 03:51:12 __________________________________________________ |