Monday, April 14, 2008

Con Mario Kirlis en La Plata

Duration: 06:10 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-26 11:40:14

Muestra de Zahira Nahid !! (improvisación facil de notar.. jaja) Raaks el amar - Mario Kiris


lavengativa  2008-03-24 22:20:59

a la mierda si eso es improvisar!! dale pa delante!!!!
NachuBec  2008-03-08 10:06:26

adhiero 100% a tu comentario!! es verdad ahora todos los movimientos que una bailarina hace supuestamente, son de saida, para mi carla tiene su estilo y tiene sus marquitas que la distinguen, como esos punteos de desplazamiento que me encantaannn!!! me parece que tiene mucho futuro y muchos años por delante para seguir creciendo y llegar muy lejos, porque tiene lo que se necesita para triunfar!! vamos carlaa yo te banco!!!, jajaja!
kamila07argentina  2008-02-22 09:46:26

si obvio q tiene talento y mucho , pero en mi humilde opinion deberia despegarse un poco de saida, ya q en otros videos como por ej cuando baila un baladi y "temas conocidos" le pone un sello mas pesonal.saludos
geralbou  2008-02-21 11:36:17

En mi opinión,se estan confundiendo Ahora todos los pasos que se hacen en la danza árabe son pasos de Saida? A Saida no la vi entrar con wings en Raks al amar,por ejemplo Yo creo que lo que Carla Pedicone hace no es copiar,ella tiene el angel,tiene el don. Porque debe ser bastante complicado copiar hasta la postura de los brazos,la cabeza en los giros,etcetera Aceptenlo,tiene el don
HURRYALV  2008-02-21 00:23:03

Carla tiene talento en todos lo que baila. Ah!Tambien al copiar se necesita talento. Ojala 1 de 50 chicas que quieren copiar a Saida lograran hacerlo como ella.

AMV Serial Experiments Lain - Lain's Monochrome World

Duration: 05:32 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-01 11:54:56

This AMV is fanmade and in no way shape or form is meant to infringe upon the rights of others it is simply to promote the sheer awesomeness that is anime. All that aside please enjoy!


lilj2345  2008-04-07 11:36:41

Or more simply. We are losing our humanity, we are becoming nothing more than emotionless machines that can only view the world as black and white, and are trying to break free of that mold.
lilj2345  2008-04-07 11:25:28

my own interpretation of this song, Where did the color go, things haven't been the same. I feel like I'm drowning in a sea of faces, Im afraid of reality. Nothings been the same for me. what could it be? Im losing touch. Im losing my emotions, can't you see life has become black white and grey, The colors disappeared, my soul my everything. Nothings the same, I hope I can change. I cant see past this ocean of black white and grey. There has to be something more to life than black white and grey
peach55  2008-04-07 02:41:08

Can you be something more than black white and grey... I love that
lilj2345  2008-03-22 03:53:50

The song is called Monochrome (its sung by Ilaria Graziano)
majormotokokusanagi1  2008-03-21 21:13:33

i have been searching for the name of this song for soooo long. could you please tell me what it is? beautiful video by the way :) thank you!, major motoko kusanagi.

Peruvian Pedophile

Duration: 00:45 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-21 08:30:56

Peruvian Pedophile busted by Spanish Police.


Rathrasher  2008-01-20 23:13:07

ojalá que le corten la pichula y que se lo den de comer a los perros, hijo de puta
dianaxrk  2007-10-26 10:34:03

mal nacido desgraciado ojala lo quemen vivo

Extended Theatical Trailer For STREET KINGS (kicks ass!)

Duration: 02:17 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-24 17:56:11

This is the extended International trailer for Street Kings, Keanu's upcoming cop movie. This movie looks so damn good. It looks so intense and has a great cast. Can't wait to see this one.


alisarharris2004  2008-04-12 14:42:06

GO SEE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dg192  2008-04-10 22:13:08

How did you get Game rebellion songz??
Treymobeano7  2008-04-05 22:23:00

I downloaded the back down song by game rebellion, it has the same beat as the last song on here but the lyrics are different, its deffinately Game Rebellion but i think it isnt the actual back down song
dinzo213  2008-04-05 19:18:01

god dam locked Dr.House shit.... Nice nice nice..........
314809  2008-04-02 20:50:06

this movie is gunna be sikk. lol.

bellydancer SAIDA

Duration: 04:50 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-11-05 19:22:05



marisamich  2008-04-07 19:12:37

q hermosa como siempre!!!!!! xfis no consigo esa cancion ya busque en ares y nada... alguien me la puede pasar porfis!!!! o busque muy mal... :(
merchus30  2008-03-29 21:13:01

saida es la mejor de eso a mi no me cabe duda, su tecnica su delicadeza su fuerza , lo que trasmite ella no hay nadie q lo haga , tiene esa magia ese no se que , que es tan magico es MAGICO y unico vero es un angel , es la mejor , te amo REINA ¡¡¡¡¡
nahlaalzareen  2008-03-28 22:59:41

es d argentina imbesil
CQFPERU  2008-03-11 19:08:05

bueno yo si tuve la gran oportunidad de conocerla a saida es linda persona,y me trato muy bien muy agradable su trato y baila hermoso.ella transmite muchisimoooo.besos
hippo99hippo  2008-02-28 08:37:16

from spain!!! JA!!! that's a good joke!!! you should be a comedian!!!...she's from ARGENTINA!!!!

2-way c-walk [Wadsyaname]

Duration: 04:36 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-31 11:10:50

Song by: Nelly - Wadsyaname Recorded: Aug 30th 2007 Location: Westminister, Vancouver B.C. V3rb4L from Langley, Vancouver B.C. DAN from Whitehorse, Yukon ***Pretty sweet how you can talk and meet up with someone accross the country, whom you've never met before. **If there are any c-walk'ers in the Vancouver, Richmond or Burnaby area, preferably. Give me or V3RB4L a shout. It would be dope to get together and make a video sometime. 5-way? anybody? =D


monkeyralwayshigh  2008-03-25 20:50:05

i like the first dude in shorts' style
mulogo  2008-03-04 11:52:11

little bit sloppy, but good walk! 3 stars!
PittPanthers93  2008-02-21 06:53:22

That was an awesome song choice cool moves too
v3rb4l  2008-02-05 17:52:13

Love dancing, love hip-hop.
Synss1  2008-01-28 15:56:58

Skill. Why'd U Start Doing It ?

Flair in Princess Cruises -.Pablo Toledo.-

Duration: 04:16 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-05 15:46:21

That was between march and july of 2006. The Martini demonstration was a performance where we gave to the public some good drinks with good music and fun. The first one was alone, the second one I was with a good friend, Marquitos Lauretis, terrible el petiso!!!! jajaja I was slim and tan :D Enjoy.-


gustrago21  2007-12-05 17:28:42

bien!! se nota q los pasaste increible en princess chau
riococktail  2007-07-15 00:29:00

Cases amigo, explotando ahi no ? Te felicito querido. Por favor Cuidate con lo For Troy ok.jejeje Saludos de tu amigo Alex Mesquita

Comemoração AC

Duration: 00:12 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-09 13:42:23

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk foda-se quebra grade mesmo prof véia fico loca aheuaheuhauehauehuaeahe é nózes Feee



Duration: 02:13 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-10-30 21:43:27

Flairing practice...


kremerlomIV  2007-10-29 11:11:44

what a routine! i hope i can do the same thnx for the video ciao!
ilvebigbrother  2007-09-28 11:50:23

hey ure real good u should do some tutorials!
timimoro  2007-08-17 21:00:54

you're not good, you are totally AWESOME
ptoledo55  2007-05-01 15:31:57

jajjajaa obvio q el pisco es peruano y soy argentino cabeza de termo.
Danilaxo  2007-04-20 11:21:33

Im bartender peruano pisco sower peruano chiles hijos de putas

The Simpsons - Eye of the Tiger

Duration: 04:06 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-04-08 16:21:31

This is just something I did when I was bored, soo it´s not a piece art... But I still think it´s pretty funny... see for yourself.


Sunday, April 13, 2008

Romeo & Juliet - Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre pt 1

Duration: 08:06 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-28 20:09:56

Shakespeare's classic condensed. In two parts (don't miss that ending).


merlin0mccarley  2008-04-01 23:57:03

Brill m8 loving it. Get a publicist.
Miketigerlsu  2008-03-31 20:49:11

haha wow u guys rule. u shud make a movie.

Robin Wrestles With Whether to Tell Stone - November 1995

Duration: 04:57 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-12 22:11:12

A vision of Anna continues to offer advice and guidance to Robin as she tries to decide whether or not to tell Stone she is HIV+


Space Objects - Colour Analysis of recently uploaded films

Duration: 06:00 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-03 18:09:32

Colour adjustments gamma, contrast, brightness and invert. Filmed by John Lenard Walson.


havoc2055  2008-04-04 19:10:06

honestly i don't believe anyone anymore...the government, the people no one...if i don't see a ufo by myself...then it does not matter...why should one waste time doing all this research anyways if we are not hurt in anyway????
GRIDKEEPER  2008-02-04 06:32:12

Interesting comment.
DontSprayMeBro  2008-01-28 02:55:50

the orbs not so sure about..have some great pics myself. the longer skeletal type looks to me like some fine, classified beyond belief, U.S. of A. hardware
GRIDKEEPER  2008-01-13 14:54:41

Thanks for the info.
teslaandlyne  2008-01-13 13:38:47

Plasma motor rings, first time I've seen that. It must be a giant motor. The sats might be Russian, their 'Moon' rocket had small engines and went to plasma technology development. Bright lights are from electrons propelled by millions of volts AC, the Tesla way. Your old TV tube had kilo volts to beam at you.