Monday, September 10, 2007

Chris Matthews shows his true colors

Duration: 01:24 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-10 02:26:20
User: mulhollanddose
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Chris Matthews is Democrat POS.

mulhollanddose ::: Favorites
Are you high? The catholic church has long been a leftist haven of pedophiles and communists. Matthews is a liberal to his core. Matthews has been a long-time neo-socialist Democrat.
07-06-28 00:42:21
manutd316 ::: Favorites
Matthews has always been a right wing Catholic he always have regressive people on his show and never progressive to counter them just the oppsite
07-06-27 16:35:10
olivemike81 ::: Favorites
I won't defend or criticize Matthews....his remark about the ranches was true....even if he was a hypocrit.
07-06-16 02:40:02
mulhollanddose ::: Favorites
Please, he is a hypocrite. He was a lackey for Jimmy Carter, who had a big ranch at the time. Matthews is simply a propagandist for the rat party, a liar to his core.
07-06-16 02:30:45
olivemike81 ::: Favorites
"I'm so tired of guys with ranches running this country"..... glad someone said it.
07-06-16 02:07:16
mulhollanddose ::: Favorites
When the liberal traitors have a near monopolistic control of media, it is impossible not to listen. Just as it was impossible for the Germans not to listen to Hitler's propaganda ministry.
07-05-27 17:22:22
marylynnnemergu ::: Favorites
Then don't listen. Or does someone have a gun to your head?
07-05-27 15:34:45
lighthouse44 ::: Favorites
THANK YOU!!! And all the things you just said are indicative of what happens when the media-machine in this country is mostly run by liberals. When Clinton was in office, the media tried their damndest to minimize coverage of all the rampant corruption and criminal activity of his administration. Now that a Republican is in office, they spend ever waking moment trying to smear him in every way possible. It sickens me to no end.
07-05-17 22:08:28
loki1830 ::: Favorites
maTHEWS AND IMUS ARE BOTH clowns. These fools should just go ahead and make love to eachother over the phone. Disgusting to hear them talk and praise eachother
07-05-17 00:32:32
KaiXi333 ::: Favorites
Chris Matthews; shut the hell up. Giuliani is a criminal, ex cross dressing suckpoop who is no hero. And NO we don't want "a little bit of fascism"
07-04-30 18:09:24

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